Due to the hacking of our Instagram account, we ask you to make purchases only through the website and by phone numbers specified in contacts

Get a bonus of 10, 000 rubles for purchases at Maison Kaleidoscope

We have launched a loyalty program to make your shopping more profitable! Up to 30 % of the purchase amount can be paid with bonuses.

Give yourself a present more often and you will get bonus rubbles depending on the purchase price

Bronze Status 
The total amount of purchases - 0 rubles. You will get a bonus in the amount of 5 % of the purchase price.

Silver Status

The total amount of purchases - 150,000 rubles. You will get a bonus in the amount of 7 % of the purchase price.

Gold Status

The total amount of purchases - 150,000 rubles. You will get a bonus in the amount of 7 % of the purchase price.

Platinum Status

The total amount of purchases - 1,000,000 rubles. You will get a bonus in the amount of 15 % of the purchase price.
Recommendation system
If you invite a friend to Maison Kaleidoscope loyalty system, each of you will get 5,000 bonus rubles

How to register in Maison Kaleidoscope loyalty system

  1. Follow the link to register. Follow→
  2. Get registered in the system within 30 seconds.
  3. Get a reward of 10,000 bonus rubles for purchases at Maison Kaleidoscope.
To spend your bonuses, please contact our manager who will make an order.
Our manager will consult you about the loyalty system
Still have any questions about getting and spending the bonus rubles? Write to us and we will contact you as soon as possible.